Horton Bay Stories APK APK

Horton Bay Stories APK 2025

App par:
Lumphorn Games
Version: Pour Android
Mis à jour le:
févr. 27, 2023
1.13 GB
Requis Android:
Official Website:
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Horton Bay Stories APK We are pleased to welcome you to our first game set in the town of Horton Bay. After seemingly having few options, he decides to travel to Horton Bay, a coastal town on the other side of the country, where he can rebuild a new life.

He and his long-term girlfriend and best friend are about to head off to the local university as Jake (or nickname of your choice) Rogers finishes his final school year. It isn't until everything turns upside down that he is forced to change his plans!

SPOILER: da Changes

Fix: Christine's bathroom events should no longer grant more than 19 attraction points before unlocking the next stage. It should no longer be possible to give girls contraceptive pills (either type) if they are already pregnant.

Fix: Daily contraceptives will no longer act as morning-after pills - Morning pills cancel the countdown to the start of a pregnancy, while Daily Contraceptives prevent the countdown from starting in the first place.

Several dialogue errors have been fixed:

The Bakery no longer prompts you to volunteer until you've earned Sandra's trust by making enough deliveries from the Cinema. This requirement must also be met before you can start the bakery event through Sandra's dialogue.

During cheat mode, some of Lucas' dream events were unlocked before they were supposed to.

In Amber's dialogue between 21:00 and 23:00, she no longer says she is sleeping instead of working on her stream.

If a girl is taking daily contraceptives but has recently had previous unprotected sex, both countdowns will be shown under her status, showing the remaining time left to take a Morning After pill and time left on current protection.


Requirements for giving girls Morning After and Daily Contraceptive pills - The girl only needs to be on x amount of days without pill, regardless of who inseminated her. In order to qualify for Daily's, you must have had vaginal sex with her yourself at least once, and she must have 0 days left on her protection. Your inventory must also contain pills.

Backyard 08:00 weekdays - Gemma's exercise event has been expanded with more content

Addition: Louise receives an interesting text message - Expanded Louise's gardening event (09:00 Backyard, weekdays - Event begins after bathing at home).

You can now make Claire some coffee after walking her home from the hot tub, which will keep her awake a little longer (requires her to have fallen asleep during sex and at least 14 attraction points).

Claire can now be found between 15:00 and 19:00 at her house.

In the afternoon and after music class at university, Claire can receive Morning After and Daily Contraceptive pills at her house.

With cheat mode active, Christine and Gemma's corruption stats can now be altered

At 22:00, there will be a new Lucas NTR group scene in the living room (the event will differ depending on Gemma's involvement - NTR on Lucas Alpha path).

There has been an addition to the main story: The Abrahms family has arrived in town.

We'd like to remind you that Christine has arranged a beach date for Saturday.

You have now been notified of Gemma's debt balance.

Addition: You can now ask one of your housemates to walk to Uni with you at 08:00 (scenes will vary based on your current status).

Added: Can now have some fun in Amber’s room at night (Johnson House, Amber’s Room 00:00 – 03:00)