CBP One 2.40 APK APK

CBP One 2.40 APK 2025

앱 작성자:
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
2.40.0 Android 용
업데이트 날짜:
7 03, 2023
480 MB
필수 안드로이드:
Android 6.0+
Official Website:
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다운로드 CBP One 2.40 APK

CBP One now provides two functionalities, with more in the way. Users of CBP One get access to many CBP services through a single portal, making it simple for them to find the functionality they require by responding to guided questions.

Brokers, carriers, and forwarders can use the Inspection Appointment Request feature on their mobile device to request an inspection of perishable cargo coming into the United States. Additionally, CBP Agriculture Specialists will be able to talk with them if they require more information and will have access to real-time updates regarding their appointment requests.

Travellers can apply for and pay for their I-94 at a Port of Entry (POE) up to seven days before to landing in the United States. Travellers can access a digital copy of their I-94 and up to five years' worth of travel history with CBP One. The I-94 application procedure and information can also be obtained at https://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/I94/#/home, although mobile I-94 features are a mobile version of those.

I-94s are offered through CBP One in every country. At participating Ports of Entry (POE), appointments for perishable cargo can be scheduled; for additional information, please contact your POE. The features that will be introduced over the next year will help commercial truckers, airline pilots, small boat operators, bus operators, aeroplane operators, seaplane pilots, and boat operators.

What is CBP One APK?

A smartphone application called CBP One acts as a portal for several CBP services. The app will route users to the proper providers through a series of guided questions based on their needs. CBP will expand access to and transparency of some of its most popular services through CBP One, enhancing border security while doing so.

CBP One is currently available for land travellers to submit their traveller information in advance prior to their border crossing into the United States, for air travellers to request an inspection of biological and agricultural products upon their air arrival into the U.S., for brokers, carriers, and forwarders to schedule inspection appointments for perishable cargo, for travellers to apply for and view their I-94s, and for permission-based use for International Organisations (IOs) to verify traveller information. More services will be offered during the course of the following year. Pilots of commercial aircraft, buses, seaplanes, commercial truck drivers, and commercial vessel operators will soon have access to CBP One.

Consistencies of CBP One APK:

As part of its launch, CBP One started providing an I-94 Entry function for travellers as well as an Inspection Appointment request feature for brokers, carriers, and forwarders. The Inspection Appointment Request Feature allows brokers, carriers, and forwarders to request inspection times for perishable cargo entering the United States. Each request is overseen by an agriculture specialist who also schedules inspections and interacts with the requestor via chat when more details are needed. Through the Inspection Appointment Request Feature, travellers can now ask for a biological and agricultural product inspection after arriving in the United States. As part of the most current travel feature, users can now submit traveller information before crossing the border into the United States.

Through the I-94 Entry function, a provisional I-94 can be requested prior to reaching a land border crossing. I-94 applications submitted in advance of travel will be processed more quickly. Travellers can also use the I-94 to quickly access vital information like their visa expiration date and documentation of their visitor status.

The Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) status of persons can only be verified by organisations designated by the State Department as authorised users of the International Organisations component of CBP One. Those who enter or apply for admission to the United States without sufficient papers are deported to Mexico to wait outside the nation while their immigration cases are being processed. A US government initiative is MPP. In January 2021, the US halted new MPP registrations. MPP participants with pending cases are currently being handled at ports of entry while they wait for their hearing in the US as of February 2021. The United States Government has teamed up with a few international organisations to verify MPP enrolment via CBP One before visitors enter the country through the Port of Entry in order to assure safety and operational success.

For small pleasure boats, you can register your arrival using the CBP ROAMTM programme. Beginning in early 2022, reporting arrivals for pleasure craft will move to CBP One, making CBP ROAMTM obsolete.

Can you please explain me how to pronounce CBP One?

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