다운로드 WatchPeopleDie APK
You must be over 18 to use this site.
- Do not post anything illegal under US law.
- Do not threaten or advocate violence.
- Do not sexualize minors.
- Do not post animal cruelty/abuse.
- Do not request illegal content.
No doxing. No witch hunts.
Posts must include videos of people dying.
- The Discussion, Social, and Music flairs are intentionally off-topic and do not require people to die.
- Videos that only include the aftermath of a serious accident/incident or current event may be allowed.
- No animal death unless there's also a human death in the video.
- No posts centering on abuse/excessive suffering of children.
Titles should be as descriptive as possible.
- Additional context, images, or sources are always encouraged and appreciated. No joke titles, please.
- If there is a child hurt or killed, please put "Child Warning" in the title.
No explicit racism or bigotry.
- Humor is fine, but comments that are just low-effort shock-value spam may be removed. Feel free to express your opinions but please try to express them in a reasonable manner.
No reposts within 60 days.
- Also no reposts of famous videos (unless you have a more HQ version, have a different POV, or are doing a write-up on it). These are listed below.