İndir Avast Anti-Theft APK
Avast Anti-theft v4.2.0 APK may be downloaded here. Locating and Using Their Mobile Phones, Unlocking the Anti-Theft First Free Cell Phone Tracker, Finder's Assistance is accessible to remotely operate your lost or stolen device. User-friendly (no command-line installation sets are provided), route knowledge, and tools needed to utilize the wizard NAND are also being upgraded (writing method of security).
- Title / lost, on a route map with our web-based mobile phones, Track Phone (uses GPS trackers and other scanning methods).
- Modify the information on the second device, which is a SIM card.
- Snap a photo or listen to the sound on your phone.
- Remotely control your phone via a web-based interface or SMS phone stolen.
- Remove the differential lock and your phone's data backup memory.
Invisible mode immediately activates the anti-theft software when you hide your phone, even if you are unaware of a thief's presence. You can activate remote functions at a friend's remote functions via SMS commands to the phone or using our web interface.
- Differential lock device.
- Cost: Free
- Steal the incorrect screen password because the password is written three times by a device marked three times.
- Android is the operating system.
- Tool is a category.